Pick Up Games

My Role

I was the sole designer for this project, and doubled as the front-end developer as well. I both led the research analysis and crafting of the user personas, and produced the high-fidelity prototype on Figma.


4 months


UI Design, Frontend Developer, Prototyping, User Testing

The Project

Researching and crafting our problem statement

Our Research

The problem that we identified was that Singaporeans lack the motivation to exercise and keep themselves healthy, especially if they were not in existing sporting clubs. We also discovered that those without a community they can regularly exercise with tended to be less motivated to exercise.

Delving deeper into this insight, we conducted user interviews with youths aged 20 to 25 (n=15) and further identified several pain points that lead to this problem. We came up with the following 2 personas:

The Problem Statement

From our initial research and crafted user personas, we thus came up with the following problem statement which our android application will aim to address:

What people need is the ability to find out what (sport) activities are going on around them that they can join


Designing the key features

Organising Activities

To directly tackle the pain points of The Social Butterfly user persona, we made sure it was easy for users to organise their own activities. We purposely used a bottom navigation bar with the '+' which will open a pop up for filling in the information needed to create an activity. From the moment the user logs into the app, the user will thus be able to create their own activity from any screen.

We also made sure that the pop up only required necessary fields to create an activity, and we used drop down fields to encourage user friendly behaviour.

Finding Activities to Join

As for the pain points of the No One Jio Me user persona, we also made it a point to keep the finding of activities process simple and straight forward. From the home page's "NEW ACTIVITIES" section, users can see the upcoming activities they can join, and even filter by date, sport and location as according to their preferences.

To sign up, user can simply tap on the card to confirm their interest. Whatever event they have signed up for will then appear on the home page's "UPCOMING ACTIVITIES" section for easy viewing.

User Profile Summary

The user can also easily view a summary of the activities they have joined or organised in their profile page.

Alternatively, they can edit their profile or notification preferences here to suit their interests.

Creating the App

How I contributed to the team

Frontend Development

As the UI/UX Designer and frontend developer, I created the prototype and assets on Figma, which I then translated into the android application. This entire process took about 3 months, where I learnt how to use Android Studio and created the XML fragments for our UI.

I also worked very closely with our backend developer to ensure that the frontend UI linked seamlessly to our backend database, and tested each feature for bugs.

Final Product

Below is a short video we made showcasing the actual app that we made, as well as the link to our Github for more information on the technical features of it.

Github Repository